Sunday, January 16, 2011

baby VS adult


small, cute
cuddling, crawling, teething
giggling, spitting--faxing, telephoning
working, fully grown, laughing
large, mature

This is my second poem. I could make mistakes but... you know that. This is another poem about adult and baby. This poem also has many difference between two subjects. I described my childhood when I was baby, and I put my future's appearance. Of course I'll be more handsome than this. 


  1. You will not be handsome than that and I don't think that is your future appearance anyways..
    I will believe that you are joking, and even though you are joking..It is not funny. It makes me angry. Please! Make sense.

  2. Haha I really like this one. Funny! And I wonder why Emily is angry at you. Maybe she thinks you will be even more handsome?

  3. nono~never^ ^;
    If you say that, I will erase my comment,,maybe;;;

  4. ha~~~ you will not never~~~~~ be hansome!!!!!!!! like him...Never in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. He could be.
    He just need a plastic surgery.
    Or maybe he could somehow be naturally

  6. Wow!
    I can't believe it I agree with Emily!
    Anyway it was fun I enjoyed your blog~

  7. I absolutely AGREE with Emily!!!
    Being proud of your self is good, I agree, but, too much is very very annoying!!! Also stop saying that you are handsome like Hyun Bin or Hyun Bin is not handsome or you are better than Hyun Bin because you are wrong!! Absolutely wrong!!!!!!! :(

  8. Every body(except Mr. Garrioch) be quiet

  9. I think all the mean commets will stop if yu chage one thing... I don't care what you say if you chage 현빈 picture in to 박휘순 picture...hehehehehehahahahaha
