Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Spring monk who wanted to tell importance of life to student

In the film " Spring,  Summer, Fall and spring," what lesson do you think the monk is trying to teach young  student? Reflectively relate this learnig process to your own personal experience

     Spring, summer, fall, winter and spring. This is a movie that monk teaching his student about importance of life and finally student realize about that. First I am going to talk about the story.
     There was one monk and one student living together in one temple on the river. It was cool! There was one boat and monk and his student go some where and student went to mountain and he got some herbs and saw snake. Scary OST go through the movie, so I thaught that snake was venonmous and it bite the student and he ask Buddah to heal him, but it wasn't he cathes the snake and just throw it away. He was very brave and adventrous. He has a lot of confident just like me.
     He came back to home with his monk. He went to another place and he caught one fish and tied the fish with strig and hell stones to the string, so it could'nt move. He went on, He found frog and did same thing to what he did to the fish. Finally he does the same thing to snake also. First, I thought that it was nothing and it's kind'a o.k. but it wasn;t while I seeing next scene. He went back and slept.
     The next day he woke up and found himself rock tied to his back with tidy rope. HE could'nt wawlk well and ask his master to put the rope away. But monk said if he go and put them free then he'll let him be free.
He went there by him self, but the monk was watching him, I think that that monk is Buddah chanded into monk to realize him. He wnt there but fish and snake are dead and frog was still alive but he was still scared.
      I had similar expreience to that. I didn't go to academy and I lied to her that I went. So i talked to her several times I was beaten up several times I was gone out of house several times. Finally I just canceld all of my acadeemy, If I could realize my momls feeling faster, I woulden't've done that. This movie also made me to remind me of sad past... This is the movie we saw


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