Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lee VS Kim

political famous
wanting reunification America cow import
president of Korea president of North Korea
not wanting reunification 
famous crazy  

This is my third poem so I could've make mistake a bit and this subject was very hard to describe. many hard words and in my head it is killing me. I got headache during this work.
I think this is very good subject but I don't think that this was very good work, I think this was just really really hard work. I like poems I've written previously better. But this was also good work


  1. Interesting poems, and I don't mind if you took some liberty with this one. It seems both politicians could use some improvements to their track records. Very unique topic and kind of funny to!

  2. You look like Kim Jung-il. However it was really creative. Do you like Lee Myung-bak???
