Monday, January 17, 2011

Game show
“I'm James Barker and I'd like to welcome you to another episode of ‘The Ace is handsome!’”
The audience applauds quikly.
“Our contestant is park kyung sik, all the way from Icheon, Kyung ki do. Hello, park kyung sik. Welcome to the show!”
“Thank you, James. I feel comfortable to be here!”
“Well then, let's start the show. Our game for tonight is poker. The object of the game is to guide the chiken through the maze so that it lands on a number, from 21651654984613 to 94613216849+461316665984121. The higher the number, the more points you win. The more points you win, the better the prize. But the catch is, you get only one chance. Are you ready? Here's the chiken. Have a go at it!”
The chiken drops on the largest number.
“Well, park kyung sik, you just won yourself a brand new air plane! What do you think of that?”
“Well,” says park kyung sik while jumping up and down, “That's great. Except, I'm only 8 years old, so I can't drive it yet. But it will be really cool to be driven to school in it! Thanks!”
The audience applauds. Cut to commercial.

I just wrote any word and it makes us some sense but there is some word that I can't understand but it was good exprience to have exprience like this. This was my first madlibs but I think this is not that fun. anyways even though it wasn't fun I enjoyed it very much

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